1·An electrical fire could be devastating in such a tiny space.
2·Madame Jolivet is a large lady and she squeezes herself round the tiny space of her apartment.
3·Those are the only words that can describe this clash between cans, and a tiny space ship.
4·So I think Zhubin had a certain impact on later age, should also occupy a tiny space in the history of the thought of the Qing dynasty.
5·The form required me to give my full name, address and nationality in this tiny space - it's like trying to put a quart into a pint pot.
6·My work made of different kind of clay represents some clods, fragments of a general territory on which a tiny space contains very little green grass.
7·So each country is accelerating the process of financial liberalization to make the national currency occupy a tiny space in the international monetary system.
8·Although natural dyestuffs can't totally substitute the synthetic dyestuffs, it occupies a tiny space on the market, and is paid attention to more and more by people.
9·If it's in a closet or other tiny space, a built-in desk and shelving might work best (otherwise you're likely to waste space with a desk that's smaller than the total space).
10·This method can concentrate dispersal specimen in a tiny space to obtain more information, not only simplified the procedure of specimen preparation, but also reduced specimen loss.